CEO Statement
” I always dream of a Company which can do business comfortably like a home. Company to its squads; to its partners; and to its clients. This is how Wisma Legalku was firstly established. Started with a fun relationship with its squads, exchanging experiences each other, until providing and offering best services to the Clients. It is designed not only to assist your business and legal needs, but also to build a relation, a family, which will always remain deliberate and longlast.”
Business Starter Pack
Foundation Package
1. Establishment Deed;
2. Taxpayer Identification Number;
3. NIB;
4. Bank Account;
Start from IDR5Mio
Structure Package
1. Establishment Deed;
2. Taxpayer Identification Number;
3. NIB;
4. Bank Account;
5. Virtual Office;
6. Shareholder Agreement.
Start From IDR10Mio
Infrasructure Package
1. Establishment Deed;
2. Taxpayer Identification Number;
3. NIB;
4. Bank Account;
5. Virtual Office;
6. Shareholder Agreement;
7. Taxable Entrepreneur
Start From IDR13Mio
Vision & Mission
Our vision is “A home for everyone’s legal and business needs”. We aspire to make Wisma Legalku the most comfortable home. Wisma Legaku intends to be be a home to talk in regards with legal and business needs and issues comfortably, until business actors get their best solutions
Take part of “ease of doing business in Indonesia”.
Reunite our squads with the clients as a family, providing legal and business services for clients’ needs.
Participate in public education in order to increase public legal awareness.
Actively assist clients with legal and business problems until they get the best solution.
Wisma Legalku
We aspire to make Wisma Legalku the most comfortable home to talk in regards with legal and business needs and issues comfortably, until you get the best solutions.
Our Partner
We maintain relationship professionally with enormous lawfirm, notaries, and consultants in order to collaborative for our Client’s satisfaction to fulfill their legal and business needs.
Legal Diary and Trivia
Our Client
Our client was, is, and expected to be from various business sectors and backgrounds. We will be happy to help anyone, from individuals, micro, small, large or medium businesses, legal entities, local business entities or foreign companies. Our squads will always be active there to help and assist.
Our Happy Clients
What Our Clients Say
"Kemarin sempat susah cari konsultan untuk buat perusahaan dagang supaya klien semakin percaya, terima kasih sudah dibantu oleh Wisma Legalku dan dapat pencerahan hukum dan bisnisnya."
"Alhamdulillah, setelah cek sana sini mengurus sertifikat merek di Wisma Legalku harganya paling masuk dan prosesnya cepat."
"Pusing banget ngurusin SBUJK yang aturannya berubah-ubah, ramah banget aa teteh Wisma Legalku dengan sabar menjelaskan setiap perubahannya sampai sekarang sudah jadi."
Terima kasih Wisma Legalku, perizinan tempat saya bekerja sekarang sudah comply deh.
Yuyun Fredi
karena aku dan suami sama-sama kerja dan punya bisnis sampingan, dikasih pencerahan sama Wisma Legalku seputar plus minus urusin Perjanjian Pra-Nikah sampai akta nya jadi.
Jacob Luke
Ngurus Sertifikasi ISO 9001 di Wisma Legalku cepat dan tepat. Mantap lah