About Us

About Company

In this modern era, many business entities are competing to provide consulting services to assist various business actors in dealing with their business needs and issues, especially in the fields of law, taxes, and licensing. Wisma Legalku is a company whose mission is not only to provide consulting services on business and legal issues, but also to build a comfortable home for all business actors.
The existence of the Job Creation Law is one of the gongs that sounds to indicate ease of doing business and ease of business licensing implemented by the Indonesian government. The aim of Wisma Legalku as a home is to provide this convenience to all business actors. By combining the company’s vision, mission and values, Wisma Legalku is always there to help business actors to find it easy to do business and remain in compliance with business regulations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

“Why should we choose you over the others?” This question always comes up by most of clients when they need consultants to provide their legal needs. We do understand as legal service providers are numerous and most of them are great at providing services.

On paper, we are a full-service consultant for Client’s legal needs in various sectors and background. But we also offer so much more than that anyhow. We value every relationship we have with our clients and combine it with our expertise, at the very heart of our services.

Our squads uphold personal values as what we show as our corporate values. They are consisted of not only various expertise and specialist, but also come from various backgrounds and stories. They will match your legal and business needs from their experiences in handling service and needs.

Our purpose is clear, shown by our vision, mission, and values: we want to be a comfortable and restful home to our clients. We do understand that sometimes legal and business needs and deals are inevitably serious and nerve-wracking, therefore we would like to always provide a home to give creative solutions and advice which helps our client to fulfil your needs and goals.

Wisma Legalku intends to be the advisors who help you drive forward, deliberate solutions to your legal and business needs and/or issues, grow your business in a comfortable way, and connect with you, not in a partner-client way, but as a family, in one restful home. 

This Is Our Squad

Our squads consist of young and energetic team which are always ready to assist!

Vision Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is “A home for everyone’s legal and business needs”.

Our Mission

Take part of “ease of doing business in Indonesia”. Reunite our squads with the clients as..

Core Values

Our core value is READY, which consists of:

Name And Logo Philosophy

Curious about the meaning of our Company’s name? Take a look of the philosophy of “Abhirama Upeksha Santhosa” which are all Sanskrit and linked to the philosophy of “Wisma Legalku” below.

Company Profile Wisma Legalku

Should you need our portfolio, please kindly download it here!

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